McGraw Foundation supports a wide array of organizations that focus on assisting the education and advancement of children as well as adults.

In 1988, McGraw Foundation created the Financial Assistance to Inner-City Tots & High-Schoolers (F.A.I.T.H.) Program. It provides tuition assistance to the neediest inner-city Chicago children and their families to attend private schools that far outperform their public counterparts. The program’s focus today is exclusively elementary education, believing that funding at this age can have the greatest long-term impact. Through 2023, our F.A.I.T.H. Program has provided over $2,000,000 in tuition assistance to hundreds of children and their families. In 2011, this program was renamed the James F. Quilter F.A.I.T.H. Scholarships, in honor of James F. Quilter’s long and faithful service to the McGraw Foundation.

In addition to F.A.I.T.H., McGraw Foundation also makes grants to elementary schools and organizations involved in all areas of special needs education. Funding in this arena has encompassed many organizations that provide services such as after-school tutoring, special education, and adult literacy.